
What Is High-Risk Merchant Account?


High-risk industries are industries that are prone to fraudulent sales and chargebacks.

These industries need high risk merchant account where you can accept payments.

A high-risk merchant account can be used by these businesses to process credit card transactions.


Why High Risk Merchant Account is Important?


High risk merchant account is very important to receive payments.

Companies that have over $20,000 in sales per month, average credit card sales of $500 or more, or a business that has a bad credit history may also need a high-risk merchant account.

A high-risk merchant account may have higher fees and different terms than a traditional merchant account as well.

Don’t worry if you fall into these categories, one of there are still plenty of excellent merchant providers available.


Which Industries Need High Risk Merchant Account?


Companies that experience a high number of chargebacks and fraudulent sales are considered high risk.

These include eCommerce sites, events, travel, internet services, and more.

Below is a list of industries that are considered high risk.

The list is not complete and many other industries are prone to chargebacks and will require a high-risk merchant account.

If you’re not sure about your industry, you can contact 5 Star Processing to learn more about high-risk merchant accounts. 

Collection agencies, bankruptcy lawyers, financial consulting,
Gambling, online gaming, fantasy sports websites
Vape shops, drug paraphernalia, adult shops
Health and wellness, get rich books, life coaching
ISP services, VoIP services, SEO Services


What To Expect From a High-Risk Merchant Account?


While most high-risk merchant account providers will be professional and legitimate, many could employ predatory practices.

We encourage anyone who is in the market for a high-risk merchant account to spend time researching.

Finding the right provider for your business will make your life easier. 

You may experience higher fees than a normal merchant account and you might be required to sign a longer contract with your provider.

Fees can vary drastically. The difference between .5% and 5% in fees can be shocking.

Try to find a high-risk merchant account that meets your needs and budget. 

You may need to provide revenue-limiting reserves. Most merchants will offer up-front, rolling, and fixed reserves.

These will ensure the merchant gets paid even if a transaction goes wrong

Up-front reserves allow the merchant to withhold all funds until a reserve is reached
Rolling Reserves hold a percentage of daily revenue for a short time.
Fixed Reserves are rolling reserves that have a cap.


How To Apply For a High-Risk Merchant Account?


Before applying for a high-risk merchant account, be sure to spend time researching the wide range of providers.

Each provider is unique and will provide different rates, terms, customer services, and additional services.

When you’re ready to apply, you’ll be asked for a variety of paperwork including incorporation certificates, shareholder certificates, credit processing history, and your passport.

Be prepared for the application and the process will go smoothly. 
